When working with big publishers, writers only receive a small fraction of the royalties from their book sales.
Our authors thought that this seemed unfair.
We agreed with them.
Muse is proud to offer all of our writers the opportunity to acquire more of their royalties, keep more of their profits, and build a sustainable and lucrative writing life.
We get you read.
Traditional Publishing
Receive more royalties with a custom contract
See your book come to life with award-winning cover design
Reach readers with contest wins, book club placements and influencer campaigns
Our in-house writers, your story
Your content (podcast, YouTube channel, blog, social media, etc) transformed into a book
All of the benefits of our custom traditional contracts, with the writing or revision done for you
Re-publication & Marketing
Relaunch and republish your self-published book with a custom traditional contract
Boost sales with a new design and a new marketing campaign
Further your reach with an audiobook